Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Curse of Getting What You Want

Psa. 106:15, "And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul."

I like to brag on God. He is a God Who hears and answers our prayers. He always knows what is best for us. He will say "No" when we are wrong and "Wait" when it is not time for the answer. The Lord likes to hear His children pray and will wait for the importunity of our asking.

However, there is an element of our prayer relationship which is little spoken of, and it is this. We can become so bull-headed about what we think we want, what we think we need, where we think we need to go, what we think we need to be doing, that God will say, "Well, that's just fine, you go on, Son and get what you think best, go where you will, do what you desire. You will not listen to Me, so now you must learn the hard way."

God dealt this way with the children of Israel in the wilderness, as per our text, and then later on when they desired a king, he let them have Saul.  They murmured so much in the wilderness that they would not listen to God and their carcasses fell there. Saul took their sons and daughters from them and made them his servants.

The desires of our heart must always be tempered by the delight we have in the Lord. God can send leanness into the soul.

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