Heb 11:8 By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.
Of late, as a devotional for my grandchildren (Kaycee, Laurisa and James) I have been reading from “Streams For Teens,” which is an adaptation of the devotional book by L. B. Cowman, “Streams In The Desert.” Each morning before they go off to school we have a moment of Bible reading and a selection from this book. I do not know if they are getting much from it, but my cup is over flowing.
Today’s offering was based upon our text and featured comments by F. B. Meyer, one of my favorite authors. Meyer said, “Abraham’s decision to leave was based not so much upon the promise, but rather the Promiser.” This really hit home with me and reminded me that the direction for our lives is not so much what we can see and understand or even desire. It is based totally upon the character and integrity of our Lord and Master. Many are saying “Lord, Lord” today, but never follow Him as their Captain. Modern Christians have a habit of mapping out their own plan and strategy then seeking God’s approval. The old timers would call this “putting the cart before the horse.”
As we walk and serve and worship our Lord, we must allow Him to “lead His dear children along.” The Holy Spirit’s phrase in Hebrews 11, “By faith” must have a deeper meaning than we put to it today. However, we would say “I need to know the promise before I move.” No, we don’t need to know, we just want to know.
As my friend says, “think about it.”
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