Recently, my wife and I celebrated our thirty-eighth wedding anniversary. I have always admired those couples who have gone faithfully through life to reach their fiftieth and even seventy-fifth anniversary. It has always been remarkable, but today it is also rare. Not necessarily because one of the partners has passed away, but rare because fidelity is rare among us today. I am grateful for the years our Lord has given us together.
Our church hosted a fellowship after the evening service the Sunday following our anniversary. One of the members asked me what I would do if Mrs. Groves were to pass away. I told him that I would probably have to go with her. He said jokingly, “Well, Preacher, the women would be lined up to get you.” To which I replied, “I have spent thirty-eight years training this one and I do not have the energy to train another.”
It would be more truthful that she has trained me. Partners look out for one another. She certainly has taken good care of me through the years. Humanly speaking, I could not have done what I have accomplished through more than four decades of ministry if she had not been by my side. Thirty-eight and a half years ago she accepted a challenge, “Marry me and see the world.” She did and we have. She has gone with me across America, ministering in twelve states; across the oceans in Tokyo, Japan; Taipai, Taiwan; Athens and Corinth, Greece; Ephesus in Turkey; and all through the Holy Land.
She has been lied to and lied about by church members; criticized for her stand; disappointed by those thought to be friends; and broken hearted over the actions of loved ones. Still she remains yielded, submissive, and faithful. Jesus Christ has always taken first place in her life and I would have it no other way.
I gave thought to the possibility of waiting until our fortieth anniversary to share my heart on this matter, but I believe our Lord’s return is so near I did not want to miss the opportunity. Sandra, I love you, I always have.
Pr 31:10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. Pr 31:11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. Pr 31:12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
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