Sunday, July 20, 2008


Ps 55:22
Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

As I was reminded this week by a silver-haired old preacher, Brother Locke who has been in the war for many years, we all have burdens in life. As a Christian, if you do not think you do now…you will. Life has a way of putting burdens upon us and our Heavenly Father will even place burdens on us to strengthen us, teach us, prepare us for the future.

There are several causes for burdens. The most obvious one is the burden of sin. It is this burden which the Holy Spirit uses to direct us to Jesus Christ. He\is job is to convict us of sin and show us the danger and destructiveness of sin. It is the burden of sin that gets upon a man’s heart that reveals his depravity and opens his eyes to the holiness of God. This burden humbles us so that we may repent and place our trust in Christ for redemption.

Then there is the burden of sorrows. Every person whether lost or saved will experience sorrow in life. There are those times of desertion by family and friends, times when we are disappointed by unfulfilled dreams, times when our strength and abilities fail us. But as our text reminds us, “…he shall sustain thee:…”

And also, there are burdens that come with service. Serving Christ means working with people. People have needs which must be attended. The servant of Christ is there to give attention to those needs. But it is possible to become weary in well doing when the burden becomes overwhelming.

So how does one deal with such burdens? We are told to “Cast thy burden upon the LORD.” We are never to defend our burden as some who revel in having hardships thinking they will acquire sympathy. Nor are we to despair in our burden for God has promised that the righteous shall not be moved. We need to learn to take our burdens to God in prayer and cast them upon Him. Claim His promise of help and celebrate the provision He will give.

The cure of sin is salvation. God will never release us from burdens of sorrow, but rather will us them to reinforce us in our service to Him.

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