Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Words Plainly Spoken

There are words, concepts, statements in the Word of God that are hard to understand. I will admit that several of them escape me. I suppose it will be that way until we reach Glory. I am not suggesting that the Lord muddles words or hides truth in obscurity. We must study to show ourselves approved unto God, workmen un-ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.
However, the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is not obscure in any way. 1 Cor.15 defines it as the death and burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, according to the Scriptures. And along with that statement comes a list of truths:
1.  Salvation is by grace alone.
2. All men are sinners and fall short of the righteousness of God.
3. There is a literal and eternal hell for the penalty of sin.
4. God is merciful toward the sinner and is willing to save him.
5. The grace and mercy of God are accessed by faith in Christ and through calling upon His name.
The Gospel rings so loud and clear that its distinctness is undeniable.
When it comes to the salvation of a precious soul, God's trumpet does not sound an uncertain sound. It is so plain that even a small Sunday School boy could understand it and believe. Praise God!
If you are reading this and wonder how you could come to know the Lord in such a way, having all your sins forgiven and become a child of God, please contact me. I would appreciate the opportunity to should you in the Bible what God says about being saved.  pastor@fbc-indy.org

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