Sunday, September 23, 2007

Soul Winning

This is a word which is not used much these days. Seems the heart and soul of a few decades ago has been lost to this generation. Too much TV religion I am afraid. Modern emphasis appears to be on discipleship, but how can we teach a Christian discipline to a lost man who has not the Spirit of God in him, nor truly knows Who Jesus is?

Some claim to be winning the lost to Christ, but adherence to a creed, church attendance, and empty profession does not a born again child of God make. A real believer is not born by corruptible things, but by the Word of God.

This preacher is old enough to remember the powerful witnessing from the pew that accompanied the Spirit-filled preaching from the pulpit. Men and women were convicted of sin and turned to Jesus Christ for salvation and redemption. Not enough of that happening today.

I am resolved to have a personal revival of soul winning and witnessing despite the distractions of the world, the deception of satan and the deterioration of the flesh.

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