Heb 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
It does not take very long for a child to show signs of covetousness. If a toddler has a toy, there will be a dozen that will want to take it from them. It is natural within all of us to desire what others have. Somehow we reason that to own what others possess will enhance our life and to have more than others makes it even better.
Teens get bitter toward their parents many times because the parent either is not able to supply the current faddish item or has determined that it would be counter-productive to the teen’s development and character. Therefore, the child feels they are being mistreated and misunderstood by mother and father. To make it plain, they become a brat.
There are spiritual brats as well. Christians who believe they somehow are entitled to what everyone else has and God is obligated to supply such. How arrogant! After miraculously redeeming us from sin and making us His child, we find no better way of expressing our gratitude and appreciation than to complain that our Heavenly Father has not answered our prayers to our liking. The response of the spiritual brat is to blame God, quit church, throw away the testimony for Christ he has spent years acquiring, all for the addiction of desire. No doubt the spiritual brat would quickly express their distain for one who would throw their life away for cocaine or heroin, only to turn around and do the very same thing for the addiction of desire.
The instruction of our above text teaches us to live without covetousness and be content with what our Lord places in our lives. God is sufficient for all His children.
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