Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Exodus 3 and 4 record the conversation between Moses and the God of his fathers. God desired to send Moses to Pharaoh and demand the children of Israel be let go to return to their God-given homeland. Moses, a fugitive of Egypt and now a shepherd of some forty years, is reluctant to respond and obey.

Moses’ first objection was “who am I?” God never said Moses was anyone special only that He would certainly be with him and he would return to Mount Horeb to serve the LORD.

The second of these objections was concerning the Israelites themselves. They had been so long in Egypt (the world) that they either had forgotten God or doubted that He truly was God. Moses knew they would ask of His name. “I AM hath sent me unto you” was to be the response. They were to be reminded that God is God...there is no other.

The third objection was Moses concern over his authority to bring such a message, even though the LORD had stated that they would hear Moses. God brought his attention upon what was in his hand. Moses said, “A rod.” God would take the contents of Moses hand to prove his authority from God.

The fourth objection Moses presented to God was the lack of his ability as a speaker. Again God responds by reminding Moses that He is the creator of men and the giver of abilities to men. Utterance would come to him as he needed it.

The fifth objection was that God should send someone besides Moses. I do not know if God’s patience wore thin with Moses or that He was offended by Moses casting doubt upon the wisdom of choosing a man such as Moses. But God had preserved his life from destruction, prepared him on the back side of the desert for forty years, and presented the plan to bring Israel out of bondage. If God had wanted someone else to go, He would have asked them.

Now, what’s your excuse?

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