Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Busy With Revival

I have already received requests for blog updates and I am sorry for being delinquent with it. My only excuse is that we (our whole family) have been busy with the work of getting ready for our Spring Anniversary (45th) Revival. Our church just celebrated its forty-fifth anniversary as we have in the past dozen years with a revival meeting. Only this one turned out to be REVIVAL! I have never seen a meeting “break open” so early in the week and continue on through the week as this one has been for us. Praise God! Not since the days of our tent revival in the front yard of the old building have we been visited by God in such a way. It was such a joy to be in every service. God blessed the music in such a way that some folks did not even wait for the preaching to go to altar. We saw folks that had not been to church for months come. And the revival was still on last Sunday. God is to be glorified and praised for all He gave us last week and last Sunday.

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