Saturday, March 29, 2008

Eat Dirt!

“Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” (2Timothy 2:3 KJV)

I get a bit discussed with 21st century Christians. Everything has to be so sterile we can not even be totally honest with one another for fear that we may offend each other. Now, I do not desire to be abusive to anyone, especially a brother in Christ, but we need to toughen up a bit when it comes to spiritual maturity, quit walking on egg shells around each other. Pampering and codling a brother when offenses come along will not produce a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

We need to eat dirt! When I was a kid we picked food up off the floor, blew on it and ate it. We played in the dirt with worms and bugs. We shared a coke out of a glass bottle, yep, passed it around and every kid took a sip. No one got sick, we were tough because we built up a resistance to the germs. No one had tubes in their ears or used inhalers. We got the mumps and got over it.

Bottom line…Christians need to endure hardness, without a bunch of crying and complaining. The few, the saved, the redeemed.

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